
A healthy way to share with people you care about.

Social media is flawed. Sharing important updates with friends and family turned into obsessive phone checking, instant gratification, posting to get likes, pressure to comment or react to something that's been shared, and not to mention sacrificing privacy.

Chronicles takes us back to the basics -- share with people you care about in a healthy, simple way.

Chronicles encourages real and thoughtful writing and content curation. Writing letters to friends and family is actually pretty awesome -- it's just not scalable. Chronicles feels more like writing letters than it does posting on social media.

It embraces modern technology without the negatives of modern social media. Not to mention, not everyone uses, or more importantly, likes to use social media. Chronicles allows you to easily share with anyone who has an email address.

What is it?

In its simplest form, Chronicles is a personal email newsletter service. But there are a few key distinctions:

Anyone can use it.
Write text, select photos, and hit Publish. That's it. No personalizing signup forms, custom domains, reply-to addresses, etc.

Share with the world, or just your mom.
Individual Chronicles can be set to private (only the author can subscribe), invitation only (author chooses who can subscribe), or public (anyone can subscribe).

Consume on your terms.
Choose how often you'd like to receive Chronicles: the day after it's published, at the end of the week, or at the end of the month.
Consolidate multiple Chronicles into one "digest" email.

No pressure.
Authors cannot see when subscribers receive or open their Chronicle emails, or even how often they choose to have them sent.
Emails are sent at random times throughout the day -- the author doesn't know when subscribers get the emails, so they can't expect a response at a certain time.
If the subscriber replies to the email, it will bounce back.

Share for the right reasons.
No comments, likes, reposts, read receipts, mentions, stories, or replays.
Share because the person on the other ends cares about what you have to say.

Chronicle entries are limited to one block of text, a cover photo, and/or four additional photos.

Interested in sending Chronicles?

Enter your email below to be the first to know when it's available.

*We’ll only use your email address to send an invite to Chronicles, not for future marketing, sales, or anything like that. We'll never sell or trade your email.